Monday January 13, 2019
Victoria, BC
Monday February 24, 2019
Effective recruitment and retention the difference between business success or failure in the coming decade
Christian Saint Cyr, Publisher
BC Labour Market Report
For years, we’ve been embroiled in a skills shortage that has ballooned into a massive labour shortage. Everything from the highest skilled jobs paying in excess of $250,000 per year to the most ordinary minimum wage jobs are going unfilled and the situation isn’t getting any better. As of right now, there are more than 400,000 unfilled jobs across the country.
Projections for the coming decade suggest the creation of nearly a million jobs. Only half of these jobs will be able to be filled by the 500,000 young people entering the labour market. Another 350,000 will be filled by new immigrants, refugees, temporary workers and migrants from other provinces. This will leave our job market short 150,000 workers (or more than 1.5 million workers across the country) taking a skills shortage and making it lethal to our economy.
As the years go by, businesses that recruit effectively and build-up their existing workers will be able to manage the transition while businesses that fail to plan will be forced out of business. The key metric for future business success is going to be recruiting a workforce that is motivated, encouraged and has a singular focus on achieving the business’ goals and objectives.
Noted labour market expert, Christian Saint Cyr, publisher of the BC Labour Market Report will be addressing these very issues at a one-day seminar he is hosting in Vancouver on January 13th and Victoria on February 24th. The training session will explore critical issues such as:
· Understanding the nature of a multi-generational skills shortage
· Identifying the occupations and industries likely to excel in the coming decade
· Exploring the role of automation and the gig-economy in developing a strong workforce
· Strategies for becoming an ‘employer-of-choice’
· Rethinking how positions are marketed
· Building relationships with employees who may seek you out in the months to come
· Cultivating employee loyalty
· Establishing your employees as your recruitment brand ambassador
Participants in the workshop will be provided a road map that can be tailored to their own recruitment and retention needs. Those attending the seminar will be provided with an in-depth understanding about how the labour market is changing and what their business can do to strive and thrive through this transition.
For more information, visit and click on ‘Thriving in BC Skills Shortage’.
Individuals $495.00
(Until Dec. 19, 2019 -- $395.00)
Groups of 3-4: $365.00
(Until Dec. 19, 2019 -- $295.00)
Groups of 5-9: $320.00
(Until Dec. 19, 2019 -- $250.00)
Groups of 10+: $295.00
(Until Dec. 19, 2019 -- $235.00)